5. Change log

5.1. nocaselist 2.0.0

Released: 2023-06-01

Incompatible changes:

  • Removed support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5. The minimum required Python version is now 3.6. This was needed in order to add Python type hints.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed coveralls issues with KeyError and HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity.

  • Added support for passing slices to ‘__setitem__()’ and ‘__delitem__()’. Expanded the testcases accordingly.

  • Fixed incorrect error handling when passing objects of unsupported types to the right hand operand of the rich comparison methods of NocaseList. This previously caused AttributeError “‘list’ object has no attribute ‘lower’” and TypeError “‘int’ object is not iterable” to be raised which was confusing. This is now handled by returning ‘NotImplemented’ from these methods as recommended by Python, causing TypeError with a proper message to be raised by Python.


  • Resurrected support for byte strings as list values in the default implementation of the casefold method. The list can now contains unicode strings and byte strings.

  • Added type hints and type checking with MyPy (issue #96).

5.2. nocaselist 1.1.0

Released: 2023-01-21

Incompatible changes:

  • The default casefolding method on Python 3 was changed from str.lower() to str.casefold(). This changes the matching of the case-insensitive values. This shold normally be an improvement, but in case you find that you are negatively affected by this change, you can go back to the str.lower() method by overriding the NocaseDict.__casefold__() method with a method that calls str.lower(). (issue #95)


  • Added support for Python 3.11.

  • Changed the default casefolding method on Python 3 to be str.casefold() in order to improve Unicode support. On Python 2, it remains str.lower(). Added support for user-defined casefolding. (issue #95)

  • Added support for storing None as a value in a NocaseList. Previously, that was rejected with AttributeError since the casefold method was attempted to be called on the None value. (part of issue #95)

5.3. nocaselist 1.0.6

Released: 2022-08-04

Bug fixes:

  • Various fixes in dependencies and test environment.

5.4. nocaselist 1.0.5

Released: 2022-03-27

Bug fixes:

  • Mitigated the coveralls HTTP status 422 by pinning coveralls-python to <3.0.0 (issue #55).

  • Fixed a dependency error that caused importlib-metadata to be installed on Python 3.8, while it is included in the Python base.

  • Fixed new issues raised by Pylint 2.10.

  • Disabled new Pylint issue ‘consider-using-f-string’, since f-strings were introduced only in Python 3.6.

  • Fixed install error of wrapt 1.13.0 on Python 2.7 on Windows due to lack of MS Visual C++ 9.0 on GitHub Actions, by pinning it to <1.13.

  • Fixed TypeError when running Sphinx due to using docutils 0.18 on Python 2.7.

  • Fixed error when installing virtualenv in install test on Python 2.7.

  • Fixed that the added setup.py commands (test, leaktest, installtest) were not displayed. They are now displayed at verbosity level 1 (using ‘-v’).


  • Enhanced test matrix on GitHub Actions to always include Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 on Ubuntu and Windows, and Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 on macOS.

  • Support for Python 3.10: Added Python 3.10 in GitHub Actions tests, and in package metadata.


  • Removed old tools that were needed on Travis and Appveyor but no longer on GitHub Actions: remove_duplicate_setuptools.py, retry.bat

5.5. nocaselist 1.0.4

Released: 2021-01-01


  • Migrated from Travis and Appveyor to GitHub Actions. This required changes in several areas including dependent packages used for testing and coverage. This did not cause any changes on dependent packages used for the installation of the package.

5.6. nocaselist 1.0.3

Released: 2020-10-04

Bug fixes:

  • Test: Fixed issue with virtualenv raising AttributeError during installtest on Python 3.4. (see issue #43)

  • Added checking for no expected warning. Adjusted a testcase to accomodate the new check. (see issue #45)

5.7. nocaselist 1.0.2

Released: 2020-09-11

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an AttributeError during unpickling. (See issue #37)


  • Optimized pickling a NocaseList object by serializing only the original list, but not the second lower-cased list. This optimization is only implemented for Python 3.

  • Added tests for pickling and unpickling.


  • Suppressed new Pylint issue ‘super-with-arguments’, because this package still supports Python 2.7.

5.8. nocaselist 1.0.1

Released: 2020-07-28

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the incorrect behavior of the ‘+’ and ‘+=’ operators to now (correctly) treat the right hand operand as an iterable of items to be added, instead of (incorrectly) as a single item. For ‘+’, the right hand operand now must be a list, consistent with the built-in list class. (See issue #25)

  • Fixed the incorrect behavior of the * and *= operators to now validate that the number is an integer and raise TypeError otherwise, consistent with the built-in list class. (See issue #27)


  • Removed enforcement of Python version at run time. (See issue #18)

  • Added support for the clear() method on Python 2.7 (where the built-in list class does not support it yet). (See issue #30)

  • The *= operator now modifies the left hand operand list in place, instead of returning a new list. Note that both is correct behavior. (Part of issue #27)

  • Improved the performance of initializing a NocaseList object by copying the internal lower-cased list when possible, instead of rebuilding it from the original list.

  • Test: Coveralls now runs on all python versions, merging the result. (See issue #17)

  • Test: Added support for testing against standard list, by adding a new make target ‘testlist’, and running that test on the Travis and Appveyor CIs. (See issue #16)

  • Docs: Clarified that NocaseList supports the functionality of the built-in list class as of Python 3.8, including all methods that have been added since Python 2.7, on all Python versions.

  • Docs: Documented exceptions that can be raised, in all methods.

  • Docs: Switched Sphinx theme to sphinx_rtd_theme (See issue #19)

  • Docs: Switched links to items in the Python documentation to go to Python 3 instead of Python 2.

5.9. nocaselist 1.0.0

Released: 2020-07-21

Initial release.